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Mastopexy with Fat Transfer

What is mastopexy (breast uplift) with fat transfer? How is the fat transfer performed? What are the potential risks associated with this procedure? All your questions are answered, find out more.

Mastopexy with Fat Transfer

1. What is mastopexy (breast uplift) with fat transfer?

Mastopexy, or breast uplift, is a surgical procedure designed to lift and reshape sagging breasts, for example after weight fluctuations and breastfeeding. Fat transfer is often performed to add volume to the upper pole, in patients who do not wish to have an implant. Dr. Sadideen will customise the procedure to your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals.

2. How is the fat transfer performed?

Fat transfer involves removing excess fat from areas such as the abdomen or thighs through liposuction. This harvested fat is then purified before being strategically injected into the breasts to achieve the desired shape and volume.

3. What are the potential risks associated with this procedure?

Like any surgery, mastopexy with fat transfer carries some risks. These may include asymmetry, lumpiness, swelling, change in shape overtime, and changes in nipple sensation. Dr. Sadideen will thoroughly discuss potential risks during your consultation, ensuring you make an informed decision.

4. How long is the recovery period?

Recovery varies among individuals, but patients typically return to light activities within 1-2 weeks. Strenuous activities should be avoided for a few weeks. Dr. Sadideen will provide detailed post-operative instructions to optimise your recovery.

5. Is there significant pain during the recovery process?

Discomfort is experienced initially, but this is usually tolerable, and is more common in the liposuction donor sites. Dr. Sadideen will prescribe appropriate pain medications to manage any post-operative pain. Most patients find that the discomfort lessens significantly after the first week. Dr. Sadideen injects a lot of local anaesthetic

6. What is the recommended post-operative care?

Dr. Sadideen will provide personalised post-operative care instructions. This will include specialist wound care for the first 2 weeks, avoiding sleeping face-down for the first week, wearing a supportive bra, avoiding certain activities, and attending follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.

7. When can I resume normal activities, including exercise?

Gradual return to normal activities is advised, and Dr. Sadideen will guide you on when it's safe to resume specific exercises. Generally, patients can walk immediately but avoiud sweating for the first week (to allow the wounds to heal well), resume light activities after 1 week, with more strenuous exercises gradually reintroduced at 2-3 weeks.

Disclaimer: This leaflet provides general information and does not replace the need for a personal consultation with Dr. Sadideen. Individual experiences may vary.

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