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Breast Reduction

What is breast reduction surgery? Why consider breast reduction? Am I a suitable candidate for breast reduction? All your questions are answered, find out more.

Breast Reduction

1. What is breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size and weight of the breasts. With heavy sagging breasts, the nipples can be lifted to a higher position at the same time (i.e. an uplift usually happens at the same time). Breast reduction has been shown to have excellent improvements in quality of life, especially for patients experiencing physical discomfort with heavy breasts.

2. Why consider breast reduction?

Breast reduction may be considered for various reasons, including:

- Difficulty finding properly fitting bras or clothing.

- Chronic back, neck, or shoulder discomfort due to heavy breasts.

- Emotional or psychological distress associated with breast size.

- Posture issues caused by large breasts.

- Rashes or skin irritation beneath the breasts.

3. Am I a suitable candidate for breast reduction?

Dr. Sadideen will evaluate your individual case during the consultation. Generally, suitable candidates for breast reduction have fully developed breasts, experience physical or emotional discomfort due to breast size, are in good medical and psychological health and have realistic expectations about the surgery, journey and results.

4. How do I prepare for surgery?

Pre-operatively, Dr. Sadideen will provide specific instructions tailored to your case. This will include stopping certain medications or supplements, arranging for a responsible adult/chaperone to accompany you on the day of surgery, fasting for a specified period before surgery, and avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption.

5. What happens during surgery?

The aim of the surgery is to remove excess breast tissue and reshape the breasts, while maintaining vascularity (blood supply) to the nipple-areolar complex. For these cases, Dr. Sadideen usually plans an inverted-T (also referred to as the anchor-type) scar. It typically takes a few hours, and you will be under general anaesthetic; Dr. Sadideen also injects plenty of local anaesthetic so that when you wake up, you are not in much pain.

6. What can I expect after surgery?

After surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area and monitored until you are ready to go home. You may experience some pain, and will likely have swelling, and bruising, which is normal. Dr. Sadideen will provide post-operative instructions, including details on pain management, wound care, and follow-up appointments.

7. What are the risks and complications of this surgery?

As with any surgery, breast reduction carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, scarring, and changes in nipple sensation. Dr. Sadideen will discuss these risks with you during the consultation.

8. How long will it take to recover after breast reduction surgery?

Recovery time varies, but most patients can begin walking immediately but it is emphasised to avoid sweating for the first week. Patients can return to light activities within two weeks once fully healed, with more strenuous activities resuming after several weeks.

9. Will breast reduction surgery affect breastfeeding?

While it may be possible to breastfeed after breast reduction, it may be more challenging to do so after surgery. If your priority is to breast feed, it may be prudent to postpone surgery. Dr. Sadideen will discuss this with you in detail during the consultation.

10. Will I have visible scars after breast reduction?

A: Scarring is a normal part of the healing process, but Dr. Sadideen uses specialist techniques to minimise visible scarring and advises all his patients to adhere to a strict scar care protocol. Over time, scars usually tend to fade.

Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice.

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