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What is liposuction? What areas can be treated with liposuction? Can I have more than one area treated during a single liposuction procedure? All your questions are answered, find out more.


1. What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that aims to remove excess or stubborn fat that is difficult to reduce with diet and exercise. Dr. Sadideen uses the tumescent power-assisted technique to suction out fat. The aim is to achieve a harmonious balance between fat removal and skin shrinkage. Dr. Sadideen will discuss the different types in detail at your consultation.

2. What areas can be treated with liposuction?

Liposuction can be performed on various parts of the body to improve shape and contour, including the abdomen, flanks, back, thighs, under chin, among others. Dr. Sadideen will discuss which areas are suitable for your specific case during your consultation.

3. Can I have more than one area treated during a single liposuction procedure?

It is possible (and common) to have more than area e.g. abdomen and flanks, inner thighs and under chin etc. Dr. Sadideen will discuss the safety and feasibility of this during your consultation.

4. What are the potential risks associated with liposuction?

As with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks. These may include swelling, changes in skin sensation, contour irregularities, discolouration, and the possibility of needing additional procedures. Dr. Sadideen will provide you with a comprehensive explanation of the risks during your consultation.

5. How long is the recovery period after liposuction?

The recovery period can vary depending on the extent of the liposuction and individual healing capacities. Generally, patients can expect some swelling and bruising, which usually subside over a few weeks. You will be advised to wear compression garments to aid in the healing process.

6. What is manual lymphatic drainage and why is it recommended after liposuction?

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a specialised massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system, aiding in the reduction of swelling, reduction in inflammation and promoting a smoother recovery process. Dr. Sadideen may recommend MLD sessions to complement your post-operative care.

7. How often should I have manual lymphatic drainage sessions?

The frequency of MLD sessions will be determined by Dr. Sadideen based on your individual case. Typically, patients may have several sessions in the first few weeks following surgery, with the frequency gradually decreasing as swelling subsides.

8. Will I need to wear compression garments after liposuction?

Yes, Dr. Sadideen will recommend wearing compression garments to help reduce swelling, provide support to the treated areas, and improve overall comfort during the recovery process.

9. When can I expect to see the final results of my liposuction procedure?

While you may notice some immediate improvement after the procedure, final results may take several months to fully manifest. This allows time for any residual swelling to subside and for your body to adjust to its new contour.

10. How can I prepare for my liposuction procedure?

Dr. Sadideen will provide you with specific pre-operative instructions during your consultation. This may include guidelines on medications, fasting, and any other necessary preparations. It's important to follow these instructions closely to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

11. Can the fat removed during liposuction be used elsewhere, for example in the breasts?

Yes, a procedure known as fat transfer or fat grafting allows for the harvested fat from liposuction to be purified and re-injected into other areas of the body, such as the breasts. This technique is commonly used for breast augmentation or to enhance breast volume and shape. Dr. Sadideen will discuss whether fat transfer is a suitable option for you and provide you with more detailed information about the procedure. Please refer to the breast section of this website if interested further in this.

Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice.

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